
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tips SEO, Off Page Optimization

Continuing the previous post about on page SEO tips, this time we will discuss further optimization activities, which tips off page SEO.

After completing the previous activities for the web we are considered by search engines is really qualified to appear in search results on a keyword, which must be done next step is to optimize a web page outside of itself, ie, off page SEO.

These activities are staying digadang have a big hand in raising the position of a website in the SERP (search engine result page). So not enough quality on the internal side, but who also need an external part quality.

For off page SEO we assessed quality by search engines, then web we should be in web-web that previously had been deemed qualified by the search engines, namely by getting links from them. This activity in SEO off page called backlinks or link building plant.

How can the web or provide comments on popular blogs. Not only that, to make search engines think that we build high quality backlinks, then the plant should be planted on the web backlinks that are relevant to our web content.

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  1. woow.. kreen juga nee webnya :D

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